Charity Quest
Each year Drawbridge Games participates in a special 24-hour charity gaming event for Extra Life as a part of the Steel City Score Attack Team. Extra Life is a chance for us gamers to give back to our community by raising money to help children at local hospitals who cannot afford their medical bills. In our case, the money raised benefits Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
This year is going to be an extra special one for Drawbridge Games, because I’m on a quest… a quest for charity!
A Little History
Heroquest was the game that “launched a thousand ships” for me, and this year Games Workshop released a new edition titled: Wahammer Quest: Silver Tower. Now, my original copy of Heroquest was destroyed by rigorous and intense play, but I have been able to acquire the necessary pieces to refurbish it. Additionally, I have a copy of Warhammer Quest from my gaming days in high school. Add those two games to my brand new Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower and you’ve got a ton of unpainted plastic. What to do? What to do?
Go on a quest!
The Quest
My quest is to have all of these games completely painted by our 24-hour gaming event on October 22nd, 2016! That day, I will live-stream our game play from Drawbridge Games of each of these three awesome dungeon crawlers. Can I do it? I believe I can, but I need help and encouragement from our awesome customers. If you’d like to help me on this quest to aid children in need, pledge your support.
I’ll be updating my progress weekly; pledge what you can. You can pledge by the figure, or just do a one-time donation. I’m hoping for .10 – 1.00 per figure!
I’ll be posting updates to this page and all the Drawbridge Games social media outlets (see top of page).
Email to pledge per figure.
Donate by following this link: Enrico’s Extra Life Page
Thanks for your support!
-Rico Owner of Drawbridge Games