Weekly Recap (6/29/15)

Here’s the Drawbridge Games’ week in review for the week of 6/29/15!

Awesome Game Demos (Throughout the Week)

Preparing for adventure!

Preparing for adventure!

I had the pleasure of having two of our Gatecrashers demo games for me. Sean Crawford demoed the Firefly board game from Gale Force 9. It’s an excellent space adventure game that captures the flavor of the source material. Avoiding Reavers and completing missions is a blast!

Teddy bears have never been more menacing!

Teddy bears have never been more menacing!


Justin Cutcher, our local Wyrd Miniatures Henchmen, demoed the latest version of Malifaux. The game is an awesome skirmish experience with tons of tactical variability. We will be carrying it!

Force Be With You Fridays (7/3/15)

Rebels and Imperials battle over an Empire outpost!

Rebels and Imperials battle over an Empire outpost!

Resident gamer extraordinaire Chris Snyder hosted Imperial Assault demos. The game is incredibly fun and the Force was indeed with out intrepid heroes, who thwarted the devious Imperials at every turn!

Gaming Squires (7/5/15)

Parents and children enjoying the hobby.

Parents and children enjoying the hobby.

The Gaming Squires practiced a simple basecoat-wash-highlight (with basecoat) painting method. We also got in a short Warhammer 40,000 demonstration game focused on learning the phases.

Author: EnricoN

Enrico Nardini is the owner of Drawbridge Games!