More change than you can shake a bird-headed arcane staff at! Tzeentch’s influence swoops across the mortal realms. New units including the Blue Horrors, The Changeling, and the mighty Lord of Change are ready to battle in Age of Sigmar or Warhammer 40,000. The Dwarf Giants also hit the pitch this week, along with dwarf themed Blood Bowl dice and the Blood Bowl Hall of Fame card pack! All this just in time for the start of Blitzmania! Drawbridge Games … Continue reading “The Realms they are a Changin’”
Blood Bowl and a Black Box in Time for Black Friday!
Posted on November 25, 2016Categories Board Games, Card Games, Games Workshop, Miniature GamesIt’s time to hit the pitch and crack some skulls! Blood Bowl is here! Grab the Blood Bowl Core Set and battle for Blood Bowl supremacy with Humans and Orks. Deathzone: Season 1 features league rules and 4 new teams! You can also add the Skavenblight Scramblers and their Dice Set for more mayhem! Today also marks the release of AEGs Black Box for 2016. This year’s box features a mystery game that promises to be challenging! AEG has released … Continue reading “Blood Bowl and a Black Box in Time for Black Friday!”